To view the properties of an album, you can:
The album properties dialog displays information about the selected album. It also allows you to change any of these settings.
Album Name: This is the name that is displayed on the Album button at the top of the screen, as well as on the FotoTime web site.
Description: This is displayed on the FotoTime website when viewing the album. If groups within the album do not have a description, then this will be displayed as the heading for the group as well.
Album Type: This option is used to control whether the album should appear on the FotoTime website, on your PC (or both). PC Only ensures that regardless of published pictures within the album, the album (and all pictures within that album) will NOT show up on the FotoTime website. Web Only is used primarily to ensure that pictures do not get removed from the FotoTime website if pictures or albums are removed from the PC. This allows the equivalent of a "push-and-forget" approach to placing pictures on the FotoTime website. The final choice "Auto" is used to let FotoAlbum decide whether an album displays on the web depending on whether any published pictures reside in that album.
Startup/Web Sort: This controls the sort order on the FotoTime website as well as the sort order for a given album when FotoAlbum is started. You can change the sort order for an album while viewing albums, but FotoAlbum will always revert back to the default sort order the next time you run FotoAlbum.
Auto-publish: This option allows you to control what happens to pictures when they are added to this album. If you enable the Auto-publish feature, then it will automatically set the published property of every picture added to this album. The next time you sync, any pictures added to this album will be shared on the FotoTime web site (as either private or public depending on the option chosen). The default is for auto-publishing to be disabled on new albums. The initial album "Web Pics" has auto-publishing set to Public.